CodeGenHero Configure
Template parameters are configured using global and template specific variables. This is how the output from template bundles, as a whole, work together.
Global Variables
Global variables represent parameters that are used by more than one of the templates that you have selected.

CodeGenHero™ Global Template Variables
Each Template Bundles will have their own specific set of variables. The following are global variables commonly found in the templates created by the CodeGenHero™ team. If you are building your own templates, feel free to use these template variables.
- BaseNamespace and NamespacePostfix
- DTONamespace
- DBContextName
- PrependSchemaNameIndicator (boolean)
- RegexInclude and RegexExclude
- RepositoryNamespace, RepositoryEntitiesNamespace and RepositoryInterfaceNamespace
- UseAuthorizedBaseController (boolean)
- WebApiControllerNamespace
- WebApiDataServiceInterfaceNamespace
Template Variables
Template variables represent parameters that are specific to a single template being generated.